By Tynan Reed
Multimedia Editor

Lily Denslow, Secretary of Academics for the Student Government Association sat down over a zoom call while sitting in her vibrant dorm room on Monday Oct. 12.She had recently finished a survey to measure student response to hybrid, in-person, and online classes. The survey includes a lot more too including questions about how students feel about having class in certain places like the Mccarthy arts recital hall.
Denslow said she originally thought that the survey would bring in only 50 responses, However on Monday the total number of responses from the student body was just over 400, “enough to get a pretty decently representative sample of what students are going through this semester,” she said. “I am going to be writing about all of what was put into the survey in a report that is going to the dean of faculty, vice president of academic affairs and probably faculty, information technology, and the Covid Action Network.” Lily also thought that the amount of responses is
The results are widely varied in what students say about hybrid, in person, and online classes for this fall semester. Some students said in the survey they only want in-person classes, “Which obviously can’t be done,” she said. On the other side of the spectrum some students said “Let’s trash in-person for mixed model.” One student wrote “I’ve experienced so many students and professors havingtechnical difficulties that interrupt class time. Here on campus, my WIFI keeps getting bogged down from the sheer band width that it takes to run online classes.” “Students are more likely to not participate,” said Nicholas Johnson 22’ about online classes.
Here are some responses from the student body:
“Help students and professors with mental health please. This situation isn’t easy on everyone, so having more resources available or just being able to talk about it might help”
(About virtual classes) “I don’t feel like I’m actually in class; I feel like I’m just watching an interactive documentary”
“I think that students need constant reminders on appropriate mask wearing. In my in-person class meetings, I’ve seen kids wearing masks only over their mouths, or in some cases around their chin, which is unacceptable.”