‘Crimes of Opportunity’: Multiple break-ins over winter break

Joseph Henry Maloy | Staff Writer | jmaloy@mail.smcvt.edu

Townhouse 206 residents returned from winter break to vandalized home. 

Charlotte Morey, ’26, was in complete disbelief when she received a call from her roommate, who had returned early from winter break, telling her their 200s townhouse had been broken into. “At first I thought, is this a joke? Are you pranking me? But no, it was serious,” Morey said. Entering through a previously broken bedroom window on the first floor, the intruder slept in their bed, vandalized their bathrooms, stole medication and valuables, but did not take any food.

     Break-ins like this are nothing new on St. Michael’s campus. That same day, residents in a 400s townhouse had also reported to public safety alleging that their apartment had been entered illegally. Director of Public Safety, Jeffrey Favreau, referred to these break-ins as “crimes of opportunity” in an interview. Intruders are not forcefully breaking into buildings, but rather taking advantage of unlocked doors and windows to gain entry.

     These types of incidents are not uncommon in the broader Colchester area. According to the website CrimeGrade.org, which works with available law enforcement statistics, out of all the crimes committed in both Colchester and Winooski, non-violent crimes such as petty theft, vandalism and burglary were among the most common. St. Michael’s open campus allows for a large variety of people to come and go through campus without drawing much attention.

     When asked how the intruder possibly entered their townhouse, Morey explained that one of her roommates’ windows was previously broken and would not close properly. “We had locked all the doors before we left, so he probably came in through there,” she said.

     Public Safety’s Lead Investigator on the case, Jeffrey Fontaine, expressed his thoughts on the nature of the crime scene. “You can kind of understand when you see a break-in and either toilet paper is gone, or food and alcohol are gone. It kind of gives you an idea as to the mindset of whoever’s been in there. Food and alcohol usually go, but this time it was miscellaneous stuff.” Fontaine elaborated on this further, saying that, “this [is] different in that portable items, like computers, earphones, that kind of stuff isn’t missing. Stuff that could be exchanged for money to support a habit.” 

     According to Morey, three bottles of her roommate’s prescribed medication were taken and destroyed. “Her medication was open all over the desk, it was crushed up,” Morey said. Two of the three bottles were later be discovered in the house, and one of them was completely missing.

     Public Safety had asked Morey and her roommates to make a list of what was taken. Morey said, “anything grabbable” was on the list, like her roommate’s new Lululemon backpack and approximately $10 in spare change left in a jar. Morey corroborated statements from Public Safety, alleging that none of the food or beverages freely available in the house were touched.

     The major damage done to their townhouse, however, was in both the upstairs and downstairs bathrooms. According to Morey, they had found one of her roommate’s medication bottles in the downstairs toilet. The scene in the upstairs bathroom was no different: “she told me the room felt super hot and smelled like piss.” Morey was sent photos of the toilet, “It looked like someone was cooking meth in the bathroom, and there was cardboard in the toilet,” Morey said.

A stolen medication bottle was found in a toilet in Townhouse 206.

     No official reports were filed by Colchester Police according to Public Safety. For a criminal investigation to begin, the victims of the crime would have to call in a report to the local police department. At the moment, Public Safety states there are no clear suspects, and the motive of the crime is unclear. Lead Investigator Jeffrey Fontaine declined to comment on whether the crime was drug-related or divulge further details to The Defender on the criminal’s profile.

     Public Safety asked the residents of the 200s townhouse to submit a work order to repair their broken window. St. Michael’s residential contract and policies state that failure to report damages such as broken windows and following damages caused by third parties places the liability on the students. Students are financially responsible for the damages to their apartments or townhouses caused by an intruder even though they did not directly cause them.

     When asked if she felt safe on campus, Morey said, “I feel pretty safe here,” but that many students forget that the Burlington area is “not your  small town, you have to keep an eye out. It’s just common sense like lock your doors and be more aware.”      Similar sentiments were shared by Favreau. “First and foremost, let us know. But second, be vigilant, this is your campus,” Faverau said. “If you see an unlocked door, close it. If you see an older person acting suspiciously on campus, give us a call. We’ll check it out. No harm there.” The likelihood of any kind of intruder forcefully entering your home is low, but if given the opportunity, someone desperate will try to take advantage.