Spontaneously in Seattle

Gabriel Miles | Guest Writer | gmiles@mail.smcvt.edu

Seattle’s famous Pike Place Market illuminates in the evening.

It was 11:50 p.m. when I went up the escalator from the platform of Symphony Station onto Third Ave. Upon exiting the station, the streets were empty, except for the occasional bus barreling down, and a cold breeze hit my face. I began walking quickly down Third Ave, turned left onto Union Street, then turned right onto Second Ave. As I walked down Second Ave to Pike Place, where my hostel was located, the scene started setting in for me. I was in a place I’ve never been, knew absolutely no one and for the most part did not know what I was doing. That was a realization of my autonomy at its fullest. I checked in at the hostel and unpacked my belongings, then I climbed in bed and began contemplating what I just did with my life. 

     A little over a month prior, on New Year’s Eve, I was searching for flights in my free time. I’ve always had a habit of going on airline websites and searching for flights, trying to see if I could find a good deal for a place to travel to. I always admired the idea of traveling by myself to a place far away, or unfamiliar, and thought it would be cool to do so. Despite the admiration and often feeling inspired by seeing other people on the Internet who do solo travel at a young age, I never saw myself as one of them, as I didn’t think I had the ability to do so. However, when I came across an itinerary from Burlington, Vermont to Seattle, Washington from Feb. 7 – 9, which cost $410.80 and earned me 3,200 United Airlines miles, I started to consider actually going instead of just day dreaming about the opportunity. 

A selfie with Jim, who I met at the Green Tortise Hostel after my first day in the city.

     For guidance, I called my Dad in hopes of getting a yes or no answer. His response was not helpful. He told me I’m a young adult and it should be up to me if I should go or not. Feeling initially hesitant from the phone call, which I originally took as a no, I closed the tab on my computer and decided to move on with my day, but the itinerary was constantly on my mind. I reflected on what he said, and realized he didn’t tell me no, but rather that it’s completely up to me, and that he has no influence in what I decide to do. At that moment, I started to realize that I actually have autonomy for myself, and there’s nothing actually stopping me from going.  

     Spontaneous solo traveling was completely new for me, and I always thought I would do it when I was older rather than at 18. But, with a new perspective, I re-opened the tab, booked my flights, and booked a place to stay. Before I knew it, and before I could second guess my plan I found myself in Seattle on Feb. 7.

     With only 48 hours in Seattle, my itinerary was not concrete, and most of it would be made in relation to what I felt like doing at the moment. However, there was one must-see location I’d anticipated for a while and there were two other places that were more memorable and more significant than expected.

     The Museum of Flight at Boeing Field was top on my list. For my entire life, I’ve always had an interest in aviation, especially for iconic military and commercial aircrafts. I remember growing up as an Air Force kid getting excited about the planes at the bases where my dad was stationed, or being excited to fly somewhere, even if it was to a place I wasn’t excited about. It didn’t matter, if I was on a plane, I was happy. And ever since I first heard of the Museum of Flight as a kid, I knew I wanted to visit. And, nearly a decade after hearing about it, I was actually in the museum I had dreamt of going to. Seeing the massive collection of aircrafts in its main hall, my inner-child began beaming. From the Sr-71 Blackbird and the Space Shuttle to the Concorde, I felt so much joy exploring these iconic machines of flight. I felt like a kid, free from my realities and responsibilities as a college student. And what made it even more special was the realization that if I didn’t take the risk of solo traveling, I would have not been in that moment, fulfilling that long-lasting dream.

     I visited the Space Needle next.While rapidly ascending in the elevator, I couldn’t help but feel eager that I was about to be inside an iconic landmark in the United States, and see the world from so high up. My adrenaline peaked as the elevator doors revealed the view, which although nerve wracking, was spectacular. The views of the Seattle skyline to the south, and Elliot Bay with mountains northwest were extremely beautiful and seeing everything on the ground become the size of ants was memorable. These views made me think about how big the city is, but also the world in general, and it was surreal how far I was from my normal life. While on the main observation deck, I thought about the Prudential observation deck in Boston, where I could point out where I live. It’s obviously different from the Space Needle and I realized how far I was from home.  Being so far helped me recognize the freedom I have as a young adult, and photographing the Seattle skyline rather than the Boston skyline solidified this understanding. This spontaneous trip felt like a dream in a place so unfamiliar. It was hard for me to wrap my mind around it, the fact that I was across the country in the Space Needle and photographing from its viewing deck. I never thought I would be doing that as a first year college student.

     Following the space needle, I ventured to Volunteer Park. While it wasn’t a high-ticket attraction, or even a place I heard of prior to arriving in the city, my time there became an unexpected highlight. While at the observation deck on top of its historical water tower, I felt a shift of emotions. From being excited and adrenaline rushed, I was suddenly much calmer. Being calm helped me step back and relax, and I began to feel an immense sense of gratitude. It was still unbelievable to me that I actually took the risk of going on this solo trip, and I realized that it was for moments like this that I’ve always craved to travel. And I felt an even greater sense of gratitude towards my Dad, for helping me realize the potential power of autonomy as a young adult.

A perspective of the Space Needle photographed at the corner of 4th ave and Broad St.

     What made my trip to Seattle a special moment of my life was more than just sightseeing, the amazing food, or the whole spectacle of being so far from home spontaneously, it was also the connections I made. Throughout my 48 hours there, I had the pleasure of interacting with locals from Seattle and fellow travelers, such as Jim whom I met at the hostel through our love for photography, or Andre the monorail operator whom I talked with on my three rides of the monorail, or the woman who complimented my jacket while waiting for the train which led into a lovely conversation about jackets. While reflecting on those moments I realized the only reason why I was able to meet and talk with the people I did was in part because of my decisions to sacrifice comfort for price. If I’d stayed in a hotel instead of a hostel, I would not have met other travelers. If I “uber-ed” everywhere, I would have never met Andre or had the wonderful conversation about jackets. Looking back, without these connections the trip would have probably been less special and memorable, and I wouldn’t feel as inspired to travel again.

     Would I ever spontaneously solo travel again? 

     Absolutely, especially now being completely aware of my autonomy. If I never had the phone call with my Dad, my perspective would likely have remained the same and I would have never travelled in the first place. Often I forget the reward of risk-taking, as I think more of the fearful aspect rather than the rewarding aspect of taking risks. Initially, it seemed wrong for me to solo travel, and I still can’t believe I did it. But looking back, I realize the time was always there to be able to, especially as a young adult. 

     I’ve always had an admiration for those who solo travel, as it seemed  fascinating and something I couldn’t do myself. But now, I can say that it is possible, not just for me, but for you too. And while price could serve as a deterrent, getting rid of the hefty price tags by sacrificing comfort for experience made my trip more feasible and more meaningful. Going against what I was used to was not easy, but I’m so grateful that I did as it helped me realize the power of my autonomy as a young adult and how much there truly is to see in the world we live in, from the immense scenery at high 

A former “Air Force One” aircraft that carried President Lyndon B. Johnson for his inauguration on display in front of the Concorde aircraft.